24 November, 2011

Moving On

Hello all twelve followers of this blog! It has been nearly a year since I have posted here and just wanted to give you the heads up that I've decided to try out wordpress and have been blogging there. Here's the link to the new blog if you wish to follow. Cheers and have a nice day!

30 January, 2011

Maureen Johnson

This is why she's my FAVOURITE!

26 January, 2011

Dream Job!

This job combines two of my great loves: scuba diving and Disneyland. If you could have ANY job in the world, what would it be?

24 January, 2011


It may be from PBTeen, but this vanity is divine. I'm also rather fond of this chandelier and this revolving bookcase. My future apartment is going to be beautiful.

13 January, 2011

An Afternoon at SFMOMA

Today my dad and I took a trip into San Francisco to expose ourselves to some culture at the Museum of Modern Art. The entire day, I kept having strange flashbacks to past times in London when I was walking around the rainy city to a gallery for class. My dad would remark how something (i.e. the weather, BART, etc) was just like London. My only reply would be, "Yes, but not really." I do miss that city terribly.

Anyway, after getting a wee bit lost, we arrive at MOMA! I love walking into a place, seeing a painting, and thinking Huh, I'm pretty sure I've written an essay question on that.

Such was the case with our good friend Monsieur Matisse here. He's lucky I like his paintings so much or else I might hold a grudge. Of course we saw other like a Picasso, a Dali, a Pollock and many many others I didn't know and cannot come close to even trying to understand what their art was trying to say. With modern art I just assume it's questioning "What is art?" and leave it at that.

It was the day of Henris, apparently, for there was a special exhibit for the photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. He is an absolutely spectacular photojournalist able to capture a moment perfectly through the lens of a camera. Please look up his photographs. They're absolutely breath-taking.

Oh, and what is this? Is this a Cartier-Bresson portrait of Henri Matisse?
It is! Well, look at that. We've come full circle. Is your mind blown? Well mine was in the gallery.

After approximately three and a half hours of art gazing, we were in dire need of refreshment so we headed to the closest corner pub to grab a pint and reflect on the art we just saw . All in all, it was a fantastic bonding day between father and daughter.